Bio Soft

Bio Soft

BIO- SOFT is a luxury perfumed fabric softener and neutralizer, specially formulated to reduce drying time, wrinkling and enhance ironing and tensile strength of fabrics. This non yellowing vegan softener enhances lubricity, softness and antistatic properties of treated fabrics. Specially formulated luxury perfumes used in this unique blends, are stable at moderately high temperatures. This product can neutralize alkalinity to bring the residual finish pH 6.5.

•Tropical breeze
•Darling Blush
•Oriental Silk
•Cool breeze

Technical Details




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(+971) 43 519089
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 17.00
Sunday Closed
Atlantic Care Chemicals LLC
Building No 5, WareHouse W05 - E06
Dubai Investment Park 2, Dubai, UAE